Takezaki Suenega, a Japanese warrior who fought against the Mongols during the invasions of 1274 and 1281, commissioned scrolls recounting his actions. This unique record of the invasions, an important eyewitness account, was heavily damaged in the ensuing centuries - according to lore the scrolls were even dropped into the ocean! By the time of their rediscovery in the eighteenth century, the scenes and text of the scrolls were scattered into separate sheets.
Ultimately they were restored and fitted into scroll, but scenes were not placed in the proper order. In addition, some figures were added to the scrolls at a later date. This site allows for a comparison of the original in its "restored" form, a reproduction of the oldest copy showing its inital state of transmission, a nineteenth century copy with otherwise missing scenes, and a modern reconstruction that erases these later additions to the scrolls.