The Scrolls Project

The Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan web site has been an ongoing project investigating the use of technology for viewing ancient scrolls and documents. The effort has been led by Thomas Conlan, Professor of East Asian Studies and History at Princeton University and a leading expert on the scrolls and Educational Research and Development(ERD). Many people have contributed to the project and will be involved in its ongoing development.


Thomas D. Conlan - Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Princeton University
Ben Johnston - Senior Educational Technologist, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, Princeton University
Kevin Travers - Multimedia Designer
David Hamilton - Instructional Technologist
Jennifer Snow - Educational Research Consultant
Christina Goto - student
Greydon Foil - student
Danny Yingst - student


General feedback contact:
Thomas Conlan -


In Little Need of Divine Intervention - by Thomas D. Conlan Presents a fundamental revision of the 13th century Mongol Invasions of Japan, revealing that warriors of medieval Japan were capable of fighting the Mongols to a standstill without the aid of any "divine winds" or kamikaze.

State of War

The Violent Order of Fourteenth-Century Japan - Thomas D. Conlan